Ingles Lectura de Frida Kahlo

By: Hilda Trujillo

in Mexico City, in the house that was owned by their parents since 1904, and that today
It is known as the Blue House. Daughter of Wilhelm (Guillermo) Kahlo, of Hungarian-German descent,
and Matilde Calderón, originally from Oaxaca, Frida was the third of four daughters. His two
sisters, Matilde and Adriana, were the majors and Cristina, the youngest.
At age six, Frida became ill with polio, causing her right leg to become more
short; This was a source of ridicule. However, these events did not prevent him from being a
restless and tenacious student. He studied at the National Preparatory School.
At age 18, on September 17, 1925, Frida had a tragic accident. The bus in the
that he was traveling was hit by a tram. The consequences for her were serious: fracture
of various bones and injuries to the spine. Due to the immobility to which she was subjected
several months, Frida started painting. Thus, it is related to several artists, among them the
photographer Tina Modotti and the then well-known artist Diego Rivera.
In 1929 Frida married the muralist. The couple lived in the Blue House, home of the
Frida's childhood, as well as in Diego's studio in San Ángel. They had short stays in
Mexico City. Kahlo and Rivera also resided in Cuernavaca and in various cities
of the United States: Detroit, San Francisco, New York.
In 1930 Frida suffered her first abortion. In November of that same year and for reasons of
work, the couple traveled to San Francisco. In this city the painter met Doctor Leo
Eloesser, who would be one of his family doctors and one of his best friends.
Diego's infidelities unleashed emotional crises of the artist. Frida divorced
muralist in 1939 to marry again with him a year later.
Despite her poor health and having been operated on multiple occasions, Frida was an artist
with intense activity. Politically, he was a member of the Communist Party and a loyal activist
from left. Along with Rivera, he upgraded the Blue House to give him asylum for more than two years
Leon Trotsky and Natalia, his wife. Even, days before she died, Frida participated in a
march of protest against the overthrow of the Guatemalan Jacobo Árbenz, which
caused a pulmonary embolism.
She was a teacher of the National School of Painting and Sculpture "La Esmeralda". Both in your work
as in her daily life -language, clothing, and decoration of her house- Frida looked for
Rescue the roots of Mexican popular art, and that interest is reflected in his work; by
example, the clothing in their self-portraits as well as the characteristic simple and direct style
of popular votings.
Frida affirmed that, unlike the surrealist painters, she did not paint her dreams, but
your reality Of his work, self-portraits influenced by the portrait technique stand out
photographic he learned from his father, Guillermo Kahlo.
At the end of her life, the artist's health declined. From 1950 to 51, she remained interned in the
English Hospital. In 1953, before the threat of gangrene, his right leg was amputated.
Frida Kahlo died at the Blue House in Mexico City on July 13, 1954, when the
National Institute of Fine Arts prepared him, as a National Tribute, a sample
Among the paintings that make up the work of the painter, some of the most famous are
The two Fridas, Viva la Vida, A few piquetitos, The broken column and Diego in my
During her life, the artist held some exhibitions: one in New York at the Julien Gallery
Levy, another in Paris in the gallery Rue et Colle and another in Mexico in the gallery of Lola Álvarez
Bravo. He also participated in the Collective Exhibition of Surrealism in the famous Gallery of
Mexican art.
The Louvre Museum acquired one of its self-portraits. His paintings are in
numerous private collections of Mexico, the United States and Europe. His personality has
been adopted as one of the flags of feminism, of disability, of freedom
sexuality and the Mexican culture. Frida Kahlo has become a benchmark that exceeds the
myth that the painter created of herself.

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